NeoGraft & FUE Implantation


6730 W. Linebaugh Avenue Suite 101A Tampa, Florida 33625

Hair Restoration Tampa FL, Neograft Florida, Neograft Tampa, Hair Replacement Tampa

NeoGraft® (FUE) & Implantation

NeoGraft® technology has made hair restoration in Tampa simpler, faster, and more efficient than traditional hair transplant methods. The innovative FUE technique, Follicular Unit Extraction, is minimally invasive. It does not require IV anesthesia, unlike traditional methods, and its added precision and suture-free technique creates natural-looking results with no linear scars.* Those embarrassed by thinning hair or feel a lost sense of self or style now have the opportunity to restore the scalp to its former volume without enduring an invasive procedure!

NeoGraft Hair Restoration

FUE PROCEDURE VS. STRIP METHOD** Patients individual results may vary.


FUE Procedure
FUE Treatment
FUE Results


Linear Strip Surgery
Linear Strip Incision
Linear Strip Results
FUE Hair Restoration

Why is the automated FUE method of hair restoration in Tampa the best method?*

Before the automated FUE method became available, the only other technique for hair restoration besides the strip method was the traditional FUE method. The traditional FUE method was manual instead of automated, which made the procedure much longer than even the strip method. Now, with the revolutionary technology of NeoGraft®, the automated FUE technique, the disadvantages of the manual FUE method have been eliminated. Tampa Hair Restoration Center can perform NeoGraft® in the same amount of time as the strip method. In addition to shortening the time required for the FUE method, NeoGraft® has made hair restoration in Tampa, Florida “No Touch.” Traditionally, the hair follicles would be handled with forceps in order to replant them into the desired treatment areas, but NeoGraft® uses pneumatic pressure, or suction, to harvest and implant follicles smoothly from and to the scalp. This “No Touch” technique lowers the damage rate of your hair follicles because follicles remain moist and robust even while extracted. The collection canister which houses your hair follicles regularly mists the grafts, keeping them in a more stable, livable environment than the strip method.




BEFORE AND AFTERS** Patients individual results may vary.

Results Of Hair Restoration Treatment
Results Of Hair Restoration
Hair Restoration Treatment Before And After
Hair Restoration Treatment Before & After

How will minimally invasive hair restoration in Tampa benefit me?

Tampa Hair Restoration Center’s minimally invasive hair transplant technology has many benefits, both during the procedure itself and afterward, producing more volume and more natural-looking results. During the procedure, the automated FUE method causes less bleeding, less pain, and does not require IV sedation. Sutures are unnecessary thanks to the FUE’s individual follicle planting technique, creating results with no linear scars as well as more precise hair follicle placement. Less recovery is required after NeoGraft® as well. With little chance of nerve or blood vessel damage, automated FUE is virtually painless and allows patients to resume their daily activities faster than ever!*

Unlike traditional methods of hair restoration in Tampa, Florida, NeoGraft®’s minimally invasive hair replacement technology:

  • Minimizes the amount of damaged hair follicles
  • Provides more successfully transplanted follicles and more hair volume
  • Allows for more precise placement of grafts
  • Causes less nerve and blood vessel damage
  • Results in a speedier recovery

How do I get started with hair restoration in Tampa?

The doctors and staff at Tampa Hair Restoration Center would be happy to help you set up a private consultation to discuss hair restoration in Tampa. Schedule an appointment online or call our Florida location @ 855.459.4247.